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We live in a digitally exposed cynical world, where every movement and everything a person does, uses or eats is seen and commented on. Most times people take a mean spin on post they see bringing emotional stress to the parties being posted. Why do we do this? Why is it we take pain in others misery? Why is it that we would rather look at others with unproductive comments when we would clearly benefit from looking inwards to bring a more productive change to ourselves?

In today’s quick and instant digital environment, we have products for weight loss, products to enhance your appearance, gadgets to stabilize your emotions and items that chemically degrade your skin and hair to a colour clearly did not come upon your arrival into the world. Products that make you spend money on inconveniences, materialistic objects that evidently make you less likely to love yourself more.

No matter your age, your gender or your walks of life, we all came into the world with a clean slate; no discriminations & fears. We came with a longing to have love constantly, relationships to build bonds with and the pure need to learn about the world around us. When did it change?

Upon writing this article I stopped and wondered what is my end goal? What do our readers need to take away from this article that would benefit them, that would benefit their lives, the people around them, their environment, their world as a collective? It was then that I realised people care about outer appearances. How you should act in the workforce, gender roles they play in their daily lives, their relationships with their friends and family.

Imagine for a second a world where everyone you speak to in your daily life is a best friend. One you could speak to about just anything and you feel so much better after. Imagine exposing your current troubles, your deepest fears and your greatest flaws to them knowing that with that the world would still move with you in it! How fulfilling would it be to go to work everyday knowing that you joined a team, a family and not just colleagues.

It all starts with YOU. Here are the 3 most important things you need to remember, practice and encourage in your life.


It’s not about the generation gap. It’s not about what this generation has that the past generations didn’t. It’s about the lessons we went through, the clean slate we once started with. Remember it’s all about learning, expanding and engaging. Cultivate these in your everyday life. Something that is mundane in your everyday life, find ways to improve it. Is it a job? Is it your image? Is it your Relationships? Think of a way to learn more from it. Remember small challenges are what we started out with; see it as a small challenge which you must figure out. Be excited about it! Make multiple mistakes over and again on it! Make sure you independently figure out other paths to tackle this seemingly huge yet current obstacle and you would see many new ideas come to light. This isn’t easy, but who said easy was fun! Start a mantra make this your new beginning and find youth again.


Old doesn’t mean weak, nor does it portray weakness. It isn’t a number that you can numerically explain. Old here means wisdom. Wisdom from the learning and study you receive from youth above. Think of it as a clerical book filled with “been there and done those”, the potential to have ventured into so many paths in life and having various techniques and outcomes for new obstacles that arise daily. With knowledge comes Wisdom; with wisdom comes freedom to be. Encourage knowledge, never stop learning, always continue to grow and shred all the old connotations of well OLD!


We have all heard the worlds be yourself, you are unique in every way! Well have you actually embraced this? Have you truly accepted yourself for all your various quirks and fancies? It’s ok to be just you with no mask or layers; to show emotions or be loud and to just laugh the way you love to laugh! Being unique is not about differences in behaviour and being wild and crooked. It’s about expressing your true self to the world around you with no apologies. It’s about letting people in on the story that is your life and you will see true uniqueness in everyone you come to meet. It is our ‘youth’ and our ‘old’ that bring about our UNIQUE. Imagine two different parties growing up in different paths of life and learning in different mediums and mixing in different lifestyles. Imagine coming together with all their flaws and potentials; how wonderful these two would make the world; supporting each action with each others strength’s countering each others flaws. Imagine the magnificents in that creation. So embrace everyday uniquely and accept it as it is a new chapter in your life and before you know it, the power of YOU will shine and infect the people around you and it may change your world.

So are you ready to be YOU? We know that YOU Are Beautiful!

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