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We hear a great deal about rejuvenation from your appearance till your inner organs. Many methods of rejuvenation are propagated to us, using enhancers and fillers that give only a moment’s glow then you’re back again to seeking this elusive promise of rejuvenation.

Today, appearance is placed at the top of priority when taking care of your body. The projection of a beautiful appearance and connecting it with a healthy inner body is highlighted. This is far from the truth, and as much as we know this, our actions and lifestyles show us otherwise!

The Fountain of youth is a mystic ideology to rejuvenation. A mysterious cure for illness and vitality, is always on the horizon and yet very few have managed to attain its benefits. So, what is this mysterious cure? Stem cells!

Diving into the infinite spiral of stem cells, we shall uncover a hidden gem underneath our very own body that can unlock the true rejuvenation and bring back vitality.

Let’s go back to basics

Our bodies are made up of various cells all with various functions in working unisons to maintain one thing: LIFE. The root of untainted, unspecific cells is at the start of life itself, hidden within the sack that grows, nourishes and host life itself. When referring to stem cells, especially nonspecialised cells we look towards mesenchymal stem cells. These cells are extracted from the jelly of the umbilical cord, known as Wharton jelly. From these cells, laboratories can multiple them and specialise them towards an individual’s problem area within the body.

Special needs for special cells

Each organ in our body has a specific cell, which makes up an organ. Through our daily lives and the harder we make our organs work for us just like mechanical items, they wear out. Hence leading to what we commonly call low immunity!

When looking at various areas of degradation in the body, we locate the cells that are damaged in that particular area. Let’s take an example of a knee joint which after much wear and tear has worn out. What stem cells aim to do, would be to enter the joint and assist in regeneration or in this case rejuvenating the cartilage in the knee. By blasting fresh amounts of clean specialised cells into the area, it acts as an activator to jump start the reproduction of new cartilage, hence rejuvenating your knee and giving you a new bounce in life.

How far can stem cell rejuvenate the body?

Stem Cells through years of research, have been found to be able to heal and even eliminate as far as a degenerative disease. With more research needed still, we are a long way from fully comprehending the full extent of stem cells.

What we know today, is that by specialising each cell and placing it back into the individual organs which need assistance, the organs start to regenerate new and health cells, bringing back the vitality hence rejuvenating the organ as a whole!

So as a conclusion, for someone to feel truly rejuvenated and to feel the wealth of ‘The Fountain of Youth’, one needs to look no further than within themselves.

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