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If I knew what I know now, what a different it would have made. Many of us have experienced despair and loss of a loved on within the family or our friends. Today, one of the leading diseases through the world is cancer with over 10million deaths world wide recorded in 2020 and other immunocompromising diseases such as malignancies, viruses, HIV and Aids. These diseases are caused by damaged and malignant cells and destroy an entire immune system. Within each of us thousands of malignant cells which can lead to cancer is developed and destroyed daily by our first line of defence, Natural Killer Cells (NK Cells).

NK Cells are special cells that activate and inhibit a broad array of receptors in the body. They are activated in receptors and provide a “killing” functions that responds in times of damaged cells and infections. Healthy cells contain receptors such as MHC 1 molecules which prevent destruction via NK cells. They are meant to detact and destroy poorly performing cells that are prone to destruction. Throughout our lifespan, our bodies NK Cells come into contact with similar destructive cells daily and are quick to destroy them to protect our immune system. In the case where our body’s immune system is compromised and NK Cells are not enough to counter them, it is when the diseases spread like wildfire throughout our systems, slowly degenerating our organs and degrading life itself.

This article will focus on NK Cells and their source and how modern medicine is using this to treat cancers and infections today.

The True Rescue Team

As the true rescue team, NK Cells are our first line of defence against malignant and corrupted cells. At its full potential, NK Cells have the ability to fight and heal the body, hence strengthening the immune system.

NK Cells are cells generated from the umbilical cord and healthy donor blood cells. There are two methods in which they are extracted. Through the blood of the patient themselves or a healthy donor, which will then be taken to the laboratory and filtered, and NK cells are activated, duplicated, and acquired. The second method in which NK Cells are extracted from a stem cell bank where donors donate umbilical cords for this very purpose. The NK Cells are then frozen (cryopreservation) till they are needed by a patient.

With these stronger and increased amount of NK cells, when infused back into a patient will be able to attack any malignant or cancer cells, viruses, as well as latch on to antibodies to make them stronger for defending against infections. Imagine a transfusion of 5-10million NK cells back into a patient in need! The efficacy and speed of rehabilitating the immune system is quadrupled.

The potential for NK Cell Treatments in patients from high to low risk diseases is untapped and as researchers find more evidence and studies towards NK Cell Activation, it will lead us towards new possible ways to cure and save many lives in the future giving many families the hope of a full lifespan together.

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