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Sexual dysfunction in both man and women can affect self-confidence, self-esteem, and relationships. More often than not, when we are faced with private disorders of this magnitude, we slowly begin to isolate ourselves from social interactions and most of us shy away from immediate medical advice as we are embarrassed by societal stigmata.

Sexual dysfunctions such as weak bladders, and decreased libido can affect both men and women. Individually, woman suffer from hormone dysfunction, weak pelvic floor, orgasmic disorder, dyspareunia (painful sex) and premature menopause. Men on the other hand suffer from Erectile dysfunction (ED), ejaculatory dysfunction and penile size enlargement appeals.

These dysfunctions have several causes, both physical and mental, ranging from individual lifestyles, Heart disease, Diabetes, Anxiety, Obesity, Depression, Stress or High blood pressure to name a few.

Female Sexual Health

The key hormones that play a role in sexual wellness include testosterone and estrogen. They must be present and in the right ratio. Testosterone inside the brain gives the feeling of “everything is well” and calms the brain. Testosterone also makes the clitoris and nipples sensitive and contributes to sexual arousal. Estrogen is responsible for vaginal lubrication and the fullness of tissue. Another hormone that can contribute to being able to relax and produce vaginal lubrication is oxytocin.

The strength of the pelvic floor muscles and the health of the female genitalia also play a role in the ability to enjoy stimuli and have orgasms.

Male Sexual Health

Low desire, arousal disorder, Erectile dysfunction is caused when a man fails to achieve or maintain an erection during sexual activity.

With the lack of pelvic strength, men are confronted with ejaculatory dysfunction where premature ejaculation is unavoidable.

For self-esteem and higher sexual enjoyment, some men may require penile size enlargement. One’s penile size can be small for several reasons. It can be due to nerve damage from diabetes, or just what nature has endowed you with.

Stem Cell Therapy hopes to bring Happiness

Stem cells are multipotent original cells that can divide into various other cells for repair, development, and regeneration. Through decades of research stem cells have shown promising results to help revitalize and combat male and female sexual dysfunction.

Stem cells improve blood flow, while also regenerate damaged skin and tissue in damaged areas. In the instance of many sexual disorders, the revitalisation and regeneration of the damaged cells and tissue surrounding it, helps rejuvenate and correct the disorder within. In the case of penile enlargements, enriched stem cells are transplanted into the penis, this leads to a healthier penis with a bigger girth and length.

Future of Stem Cell Therapy

Studies of experimental models have shown that treating infertility with stem cell therapy is gaining acceptance. Treatment infertility caused by impaired spermatogenesis or gynaecological dysfunction can be repaired through stem cell transplantation

Relationships are enhanced when intimacy is present. Intimacy develops when one is confident of their sexual potential. Hence the future of Happiness holds high hopes in the therapy of stem cells to aid individual sexual pleasures.

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